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May 16 every year is proclaimed as the International Day of Living Together in Peace by the General Assembly of the United Nations(UN) from the December 5, 2017 session.

The main agenda of this session is to establish peace and non-violence in all sectors and spheres to provide advantages to humanity, children, and especially new generations.

The main aim of this day is to develop a culture of peace and non-violence and eliminate all types of discrimination, inequalities, injustice, and intolerance among the people living in the society.

International Day of Living Together in Peace

How to Observe International Day of Living Together in Peace Quotes

The main purpose of celebrating this international day promote all diversity in cultures, religious beliefs, and universal views and reflect those major issues that affect all of humanity.

Every year UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) organizes various events all around the world on May 16. Leaders of all around the world also give messages of hope, peace, and prosperity to the people residing in the particular nations.

To take part in this program:

Some of the most peaceful countries in the world like Iceland, Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Singapore, New Zealand, and Portugal. The participants in the International Day of Living Together in Peace program must study well about these countries.

Must be committed to maintaining peace with yourself and the environment you reside.

Discover all-time popular people who have huge contributions to peacemaking such as Tegla Laroupe from Kenya, Benazir Bhutto from Pakistan, and Susan B. Anthony from the U.S.

Read and explore the knowledge of books that promote world peace. Some of the examples of these historical books are Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela, World Peace: The Voice of a Mountain Bird by Amit Ray, and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

International Day of Living Together in Peace Quotes

Reconciliation within ourselves as well as among people can be obtained when individuals discover peace with themselves and other people whom they spend most of their time with.
Tips for maintaining peace within themselves and with others include:

  • Express love to everyone instead of controlling them.
  • Appreciate diversity respect different choices of people and spread tolerance everywhere you go.
  • When you are angry and try to win over a conversation, walk away.
  • Be unique, don’t compare yourself with other individuals.
  • Instead of changing other people accept them whatever they are. Change yourself
  • If every individual lives in this universe follow all of these tips into practice. Imagine how peaceful a world we live in.

Post on your social media using the title “International Day of Living Together in Peace Quotes” to make people aware of peace and prosperity.


When is the International Day of Living Together in Peace 2024?u003cbru003e

May 16

When was the International Day of Loving Together in Peace Launched?

In 2017 the UN (United Nations)